Aid Humanity | International Charity Organisation

Featured Projects

Below you will find all of our latest projects and appeals that you can donate to.

We Have the Power to Impact the Future

Our aim is saving lives in emergencies and to help the needy by adopting practical ways to root out poverty from the world through provision of education and providing a livelihood.

Your Zakat and Sadaqah donations assist in developing health and educational infrastructures along with providing access to safe water and food. Our mission is to provide long-term sustainable assistance to the vulnerable communities and facilitating them towards self-reliance.

Become a Fundraiser

Our charity welcomes budding fundraisers like you to start your own fundraiser on our website and start raising money for any of our projects.

To setup your own fundraising page, all you need to do is complete the following form, and once we’ve reviewed your submisison we will set the page up and email you your personal donation link. You can share this link anywhere, including friends, family and social media.

We're Here to Make Your Donation Count

Donate using the link below or learn more from any of our project pages.